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An Due east-bomb is a simple blazon of computer prank that tricks a friend (or enemy) into thinking his or her reckoner is being hacked, is infected with a virus, or is experiencing a serious fault. The procedure of executing an East-bomb involves writing a special kind of file using notepad which contains commands that wearisome down the computer, crash the organization, or merely startle the user, and so tricking the user into opening the file. Eastward-bombs can be anything from a pocket-sized annoyance to a organisation-destroying nightmare for the user; the E-bombs in this article are intended merely as innocuous pranks, so the worst they'll practise is cause a calculator to crash. Note: These East-bombs are for Windows PCs - they will not work on Macs or on Unix-like operating systems without special adjustments for compatibility.

  1. 1

    Open up Notepad. Batch (.BAT) files contain text commands that instruct the computer what to practise. To write your own uncomplicated .BAT file, yous don't need special editing software - just Windows' basic Notepad program. Notepad tin commonly be establish in the Start carte du jour, or, alternatively, in the "Accessories" folder.

  2. 2

    Type "@echo off", then, on a new line, "CLS". By default, .BAT files open upwards a command prompt window and display the commands being run. @repeat off and CLS finish the commands in the control prompt window from actualization, making the processes that are taking place invisible to the user being pranked.


  3. 3

    Write a control to open up multiple (or space) windows. At present, it's fourth dimension to write a series of commands that will cause your imitation virus to open either lots of program windows or an space amount of program windows. This is an important distinction - leaving a program running which opens an infinite corporeality of windows will eventually crash a computer. See beneath for instructions on making both kinds of "virus":

    • To open a finite number of windows, get-go a new line and type the following command into your notepad window: start (program name hither). In place of the phrase of parentheses, put the proper name of a programme on your computer or its precise file location. This control causes the computer to open a window of the program you specify. For example, starting time iexplore.exe will open a window of Internet Explorer. Echo this "first" control every bit many times as you'd similar - your "virus" will open a window for every fourth dimension you repeat this control. Here are merely a few ideas for programs you lot may want to enter afterward "showtime":
      • iexplore.exe - Internet
      • calc.exe - Calculator
      • notepad.exe - Notepad
      • winword.exe - Microsoft Word (tested with version 2013, may work with other versions)
    • To open an infinite number of windows, offset start a new line and type :A, including the colon. Then, in the line under that, type start iexplore.exe (or utilize another program). Finally, in the line under that, type goto A. This will cause the computer to open up a window of Cyberspace Explorer (or whatever program y'all specified) and and so immediately render to the indicate in the instructions earlier it opened the programme, effectively causing information technology to open new windows until the command prompt is closed or the calculator crashes.
  4. 4

    Give your "virus" a message. For startling event, yous may want to add a message to your "virus" that makes the user think his or her computer is experiencing an mistake. To display a message, start a new line and type repeat Your Bulletin Here, typing your desired message where indicated. And so, outset a new line and type pause. This causes your desired message to pop up in a command prompt window.

    • To make your prank more believable, apply a message that sounds like something your computer might actually display in the consequence of an error. For instance, you might endeavor: Fatal Mistake. C:// directory corrupted.
  5. five

    Salvage your file equally a batch file. When you're finished, select File > Salve Equally..., then make a file name ending in ".bat" (for example, pinball.bat). In the dropdown window next to "Salvage as type:", be sure to select "All files". Save your file anywhere on the computer.

  6. 6

    Get the user to open the file. Now, all you lot've got to do to "detonate" your E-bomb is to flim-flam someone into opening it! You can practice this any way you lot like. One of the near sure-fire ways to trick someone into opening i is to create a shortcut of your batch file, then alter its icon to something the user usually uses, then modify the shortcut'southward proper noun to match the new icon. Sit dorsum and lookout man your results from a proficient vantage signal!

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  1. ane

    Open up Notepad. Similar the play a trick on above, this requires you to write a few simple commands in Notepad. Nevertheless, its effect is dissimilar - instead of opening a series of plan windows, this flim-flam creates a series of fault messages which allow you to fool the user into thinking his or her calculator is experiencing an fault or being hacked.

  2. two

    Type "10=msgbox("Mistake message here", five+16, "Error title here"). Blazon this command (including the parentheses and quotation marks), calculation an appropriate error message and error title. This command opens a Windows error dialog box with your specified message in the body of the dialog and your specified title as the dialogue's header. To make your prank conceivable, endeavor to employ error messages and titles that sound like real ones. For case, try "Concluding Fault" as your error title and "Critical fault detected at C://Users/Windows/system32" as your fault message.

    • You might also want to become in a "hacking" direction by using a bulletin similar, "I have total admission to your system. Prepare to be hacked." This never actually happens in the event of bodily hacking, so this will work best on people who don't know much about computers.
    • The "5+sixteen" in the command above tells the computer to create a dialog box with a critical icon and 2 buttons - "Retry" and "Cancel." By irresolute the numbers, you lot can custom-create different error boxes. Simply bandy out any of the single-digit numbers below for five and whatever of the double digit numbers beneath for sixteen:
      • 0 (OK Button)
      • i (OK and Cancel Buttons)
      • 2 (Abort, Retry and Ignore Buttons)
      • 3 (Yes, No, and Cancel Buttons)
      • 4 (Yes and No Buttons)
      • 5 (Retry and Cancel Buttons)
      • xvi (Disquisitional Icon)
      • 32 (Help Icon)
      • 48 (Alarm Icon)
      • 64 (Data Icon)
  3. 3

    Repeat as many error message commands as you'd like. Repeat the above command every bit many times as you'd similar with as many dissimilar error messages every bit you'd like. The messages will appear in sequence - in other words, in one case a user exits one, the next volition appear. Yous can easily take advantage of this fact to create a long cord of fault messages that seem to grow in urgency!

  4. 4

    Salve as a Visual Bones (VBA) file. When you've entered all the fault letters you would like, save your file. Select File > Save As..., then give your file a name ending in ".vba". Be sure to select "All files" from the "Save every bit blazon:" dropdown bill of fare. Now, all you've got to practice is trick someone into opening your E-bomb - the exact aforementioned tricks as in Method i will work just as well here.

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  1. 1

    Open Notepad. This E-bomb uses Notepad commands to cause the computer to randomly open programs until the batch file is disabled or the figurer crashes. To brand this Due east-bomb, you lot just need to re-create and paste the pre-written commands in this section. All the same, note that this may not work on all computers.

  2. 2

    Copy and paste the following commands:@repeat offclsbegingoto %random%:1start cmd.exegoto begin:2start mspaint.exegoto begin:3start pinball.exegoto brainstorm:4start iexplore.exegoto begin:5start explorer.exegoto begin:6start solitaire.exegoto brainstorm:7start explorer.exegoto brainstorm:8start edit.exegoto begin:9start iexplore.exegoto begin:0start mspaint.exegoto begin

  3. 3

    Modify equally you encounter fit. This program randomly opens the programs listed after each "start" indefinitely. You may notice some of these programs have been repeated. Feel free to change the programs listed to whichever ones you would like.

    • Note that some of the program names listed above may non be accurate for your specific machine - for example, some computers won't contain "pinball.exe" You may want to double-check to see if each program exists before executing your Due east-flop.
    • If in doubt nigh the name of a specific plan, call up that its precise file pathway is also valid. For instance, "iexplore.exe" tin also be written as "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer".
  4. 4

    Save as a batch file, then run the file (if you dare). Save the file using the ".bat" extension (being certain to select "All files" from the "Save as type:" menu) When you flim-flam the user into opening it, it volition begin opening seemingly randomly programs on the computer without stopping.

    • For a bit of fun, try replacing one of the 'start *.exe' commands with the path of a notepad file on the person's reckoner or something similar that. Use the following command:
      edit (path to file)
      goto begin
      This will open their file in a DOS-based text editor, making it expect similar a hacker is reading their personal documents. Try information technology!
  5. v

    Learn the significant of commands to exist able to alter your Eastward-flop. Fifty-fifty if you don't sympathize how they work, E-bombs tin exist slap-up pranks, but you lot'll be able to become even more enjoyment out of them if yous know exactly what's happening when one is run. As an added bonus, in one case you lot understand how E-bombs work, y'all can outset writing your own! Here is a list of the commands we used in this article, along with a brief description of each:

    • @echo off - Turns command prompt comments off
    • cls - Clears the control prompt screen. This just makes the command prompt appear neater.
    • goto - Go to whatever flag y'all specify immediately later "goto".
    • %random% - A windows variable that randomly generates a number between (and including) 0-9.
    •  :(number, letter, or word) - A flag. "Goto" commands ship the program to whatsoever flag they specify.
    • Note: in our example higher up, we accept 10 flags. If nosotros go out a number out, the program should close when %random% generates that number.
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  • Question

    What format can I apply for Windows 10 when making an E flop?

    Community Answer

    Don't need a format, but use notepad.

  • Question

    How practice I create a filibuster for a batch file e-bomb?

    Community Answer

    Type "timeout five" (without the quotation marks). If you want to hide the waiting message add >nul at the end.

  • Question

    Once the E Bomb works, how do I come out of information technology?

    Community Answer

    Reset your computer and delete the file, or change the extension back to .txt instead of .bat

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  • Experiment with unlike codes! If you wanted to make this harmful you could put code that deletes files and delete someone'south entire hard drive.

  • Here'south an example of ane of the most simple but abrasive programs and it's code:

    @echo off
    start notepad
    goto a

    All this does is opens Notepad an space number of times until you shut the command prompt. Don't open up it on a computer and walk abroad for about half an hour, information technology will crash.

    The alternative method to a higher place is, substantially, the aforementioned sort of thing simply more complex.

Cheers for submitting a tip for review!


  • You could get in trouble for sending a harmful batch file or for tampering with school or public computers. Sending this over the Internet to someone who does not want it or loading it onto a public arrangement is illegal.

  • Don't overdo information technology. x instances of something similar Pinball can be very abrasive. Hundreds could crash a computer and crusade someone to lose work.


Things You'll Need

  • Computer running Windows
  • Notepad
  • Any programming app


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